About Me

I am a highly motivated researcher who is able to work meticulously and independently, but thrives as part of a team in developing high-quality work. I dedicate my efforts to solutions involving genAI, data analytics, and computational statistics at an international level. I am a determined worker who perseveres through setbacks to achieve my goals.


A few topics I am professionally involved in:

  • Optimization/Inverse Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Collaborative, Multi-Disciplinary Research
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Technical Writing
  • Natural Language Processing

Recent Work

Ultrafast Spectroscopy Revealing the Charge and Excitonic Properties of Nanoparticle Ink Solar Cells

Read my dissertation research.

Physics and Programming work for good

See my Github profile for what I'm working on now.

Tracking Publication trends

Working with American Anthropologist, we are currently looking at publishing trends in its history using the pyResearchInsights library.

Three minute video

A brief presentation of my dissertation work.

Non-academic interests

Hip Hop Music and Dance, Travel, Basketball, Fitness, Digital Privacy, Education for All

Community Work

I volunteered with peer-mentoring in the Boston area. I fostered animals in the York, UK, area through Dog's Trust. In Copenhagen, I organize knowledge-sharing events with my collective, Nest, work on university-level climate impact with DTU Climate Action, and sometimes cook and serve large meals at OneBowl.